Dog Psychology Basics

Dog Psychology Basics


Gary Walker

Dogs and are smart, aware, affectionate creatures but don’t be fooled. Underneath that lovable, tail-wagging, face-licking exterior lurks a wolf.

We may have domesticated the dog, but at heart he retains his animal instincts. We need to accept this, and adjust the way we interact with our dogs.

A Dog’s View of the World

Dogs interact with the world at the level of instinct. Their basic needs are food, a place to sleep, and a strong pack for protection. This means by extension a strong pack leader, one they are prepared to follow without hesitation. This is where you come in.

The most important job of any dog owner is to provide pack leadership. Do this and he will obey your every command. Fail and you have a problem dog on your hands.


As you consider this you should think about how you communicate with your dog, because one of the keys to understanding dog communication is that they do not think in words.This concept confuses many people because their dogs appear to understand every word the say. What you are seeing is merely word-association.

Dogs are incapable of understanding words, what they mainly understand is body language. They learn to associate actions with actions, so if you praise your dog when he obeys a command, he understands that when he obeys, you react by being pleased with him.

As part of this chain of action and reaction, most dogs learn to react to single words, so he may for example learn to associate the word “walk” with going out, but most likely it is the “pre-walk rituals” – putting on his lead, for example – that he recognizes.

Think Like A Dog

If you want to learn how to think like a dog, first understand that tone of voice and body language trump voice cues every time. Realise that your dog thinks in pictures and responds to actions and you’ll have a far better chance of understanding him.

Dogs pay a lot of attention to regular routines. For example, your dog will quickly learn that you come home at a certain time and will look forward to your arrival. If you are caught up in traffic or otherwise delayed the dog may become anxious. The reason is that he has built up an expectation based on his experience of your comings and goings. Based on that he expects a particular result. If that result is not forthcoming he becomes anxious.

How to Be the Alpha Dog

In the wild, the Alpha Wolf is in control of all activities in the pack – when they eat, when they move, who receives affection. When you think about it, these are the exact same things you control in your “pack”. By taking control of all these aspects you are actually managing your dog’s anxiety.

Now leadership is one thing, but what about showing affection to your dog? Good question. A strong pack leader knows when and how to reward a pack member with affection. Given any other way, it marks you out as a pushover. Your dog will sense that and exploit it.

The right time to give affection is when your dog is calm and well behaved, so that you re-enforce that behavior.

Be loving but firm, consistent and fair and your dog will follow your every command.

There’s lots more about dogs and

some great tips on dog training

at our site:

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Flea Treatment For Dogs}

Flea treatment for dogs


Brian MillerThe comfort of your pet is one of the first things you will focus on. There are many different things you will need to consider for this reason and each of them is going to serve a certain purpose. If you want to make the right choice from the start, you should take the time to learn more about each option before you will commit to the right one.

For instance, a dog can be kept out in the yard as well as inside the house. Fleas are a common issue when it comes to your canine companions and you should do your best to get rid of it. If you want to be sure you will get the result you had in mind, you should use a quality flea treatment for dogs. This will help you ensure a proper comfort for it.

One of the first things you have to consider it what you can use for your pet. There are several options you can turn to when it comes to flea treatment for dogs, but you must use the one your pet can get used to. A shampoo is the best if your pet likes baths. Sprays and powders are also efficient, but you can also use a dog collar to repel the fleas.


The quality of the flea treatment for dogs you will choose is going to determine the results you will get out of it. If you do not want to waste any time or money on the wrong solutions, you should turn to the products you can rely on. The more you will learn about each of them, the surer you will be about the value you will get for your money.

There are other aspects you must consider for the comfort of your pet apart from getting rid of the fleas. The diet you will ensure for it is going to influence its health and well being. This is why you should always use top of the line dog food so you can keep your canine friend at its best. Meals for Mutts is one of the first options you can turn to.

A brand product is one of the best solutions you have at hand since this is going to deliver much better results than an unknown item. Meals for Mutts is one of the best brands in the field and you can be sure they will do their best to keep it that way. This is why you have to find a source you can rely on for the products you would like to purchase.

If you want to address all the needs of your dog from the start, you should turn to the site of from the start. This is where you will find dog food from Meals for Mutts as well as many other known brands. You will be able to find a way to get rid of fleas, ticks and a range of other solutions to cater to the needs of your pet.


flea treatment for dogs

is one of the first things you must focus on to ensure the comfort of your canine companion. If you are not willing to cut any corners when it comes to its diet at well,

Meals for Mutts

is one of the first brands you should consider.

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Golden Retriever Adoption Does A Puppy Or An Older Dog Make A Better Family Pet?


James T Drake

Your family has finally reached a time in their lives where getting a pet seems like a good idea. You all agree that a Golden Retriever adoption might be perfect for your family and now left with the decision of whether or not to adopt a puppy or an older dog.

While you have no doubt heard from several sources that choosing an older dog for your Golden Retriever adoption can give that dog a second chance for a family and a happy life, you have also no doubt heard horror stories about rescue dogs that have come into families with a series of problems that make them less than perfect family pets. On the other hand, you have also probably heard stories about dogs that have been with the same family since weaning that have also exhibited behavior problems as well. So, the question remains, which would make a better pet for your family, a new Golden Retriever puppy or an adult dog.

The answer really depends on your family. If you have very young children an adult dog of this breed just may be ideal for your family for several reasons. First, with an adult dog you can make a good assessment of the dog’s individual temperament. While Goldens are known for their friendly and gentle personalities, it doesn’t mean every dog of this breed will have that quality. So, it is something you want to really consider if you have young children. Older people too find that choosing an older dog in their Golden Retriever adoption often works out better than adopting a puppy would. It all depends on your situation.


While some breeds of dogs are loyal to just one person, this is not true of this particular breed. These dogs may be equally friendly to family members and strangers alike, which means that they are a breed that can adjust well to new owners and new homes with very little effort or trouble. However, this will depend on just what type of treatment they have received in the past. So, if you are adopting an older dog, learn as much of its history as possible. Keep in mind that rescues are not the only place to get older Golden’s. Many times breeders have older dogs up for Golden Retriever adoption and can give you a complete history of these dogs.

Families with older children who have the time and patience to train and care for a puppy through that puppy stage may well prefer a younger dog or a small puppy. There is something to be said for the experience of working with and training a dog from puppyhood and there is a certain satisfaction that comes with such bonding and training.

However, if you are considering a puppy for your Golden Retriever adoption, take your time and do a bit of research. Either adopt from a reputable breeder or find a rescue that may have pups that they are looking to place. Of course, if your main goal is to have a show dog for a pet, then a puppy is definitely the way to go.

If you are not planning on showing your dog, and if your ultimate goal is to have a healthy and fun pet to love and care for, then either a pup or an older dog will work well in your Golden Retriever adoption. In either case giving a dog a loving home and having the companionship of a Golden Retriever can be a rewarding experience.

James Drake is a Golden Retriever enthusiast and enjoys helping others taking care of this amazing breed. For more great information on

Golden Retriever Adoptions

, visit


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Pets And Their Benefits

Submitted by: David Neil Warren

A pet is an animal adopted by humans for the sake of companionship and enjoyment. Another term for a pet is household animal . Usually, pets are kept for their loyalty, playful characteristics, desirable appearance, or just simply because of the joy they give to their respective owners. May it be a dog, a cat, or rodents playing on their hamster cages, owning them will give you benefits. It s been observed and proven, pets can give health benefits and happiness for their owners.

Anyone who has experienced to love a pet may prove to the world how much joy and inner satisfaction it can bring. For the past years, researches conducted all over the globe laid down scientific evidences to prove that adopting pets can dramatically improve one s life, physically and emotionally. Pets are beneficial in relieving stress, preventing heart disease, and relieving loneliness and depression.

Here are just some of the studies conducted:

* According to a researcher at the the State University of New York at Buffalo named Dr. Karen Allen, people suffering hypertension who adopted or cared for a pet had lower blood pressure readings compared to those who did not own a pet.


* The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, a study published in 1999 states that people of old age who own a pet tend to have better physical health in contrast to people who own none.

* People who enjoy the company of their pets make fewer doctor visits especially for non-serious medical conditions according to The National Institute of Health.

* In a survey conducted by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) in the year 2002, 92 respondents said that they acquired significant health improvements from their pets.

* Heart patients who owned pets had a good chance for long-time survival than patients who didn t own pets according to the study conducted by Dr. James Lynch of Life Care Foundation.

* Eastern Kentucky University assistant professor Dr. Meredith Wells surveyed businesses that permit pets in the workplace and found that employees highly believe that animals reduce one s level of stress and boosted their health.

Of course, these benefits can be applied to the general public. Pets can help anyone of any age or status to establish a deep connection with other people and cultures. If you are a person that have a very serious personality and a hard-driven persona, playing with your dog or cat can help you escape from the daily stress that you are struggling with. Caring for a pet may highly establish a child s personality, giving them a sense of empathy and responsibility.

Having a pet can fight depression and over-loneliness since the bond linking between the two creatures creates a certain purpose in life. Walking your dog gets you into the real world and also encourages exercise. Pets can be a great comfort in times of grief, since their affection is highly unconditional. They are attentive, and nonjudgmental listeners.

Even in the four corners of the prison cells, pets serve a therapeutic role. One good example is the Ohio Corrections System, wherein inmates are matched with a dog and go through a 10-week course with them. They should teach the dog with basic commands and house training. The dogs cared by them are then adopted out by the local humane society. The inmates form tight bonds and a loving relationship with their dogs, and saying good-bye is very hard, but the experience of caring for another creature is invaluable for men like them who have often had harsh lives.

Own a pet now. Walk your dog. Cuddle your cat. Watch your hamster cages with those cute little hamster. You ll surely enjoy every bit of it

About the Author: David Neil Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells

rabbit hutch cover


hamster ball

as well as a host of additional products.


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A single mother was driving her kids to school when a speeding car hit them at an intersection. The other driver was still yelling on his cell phone when he got out of the car. Unfortunately the mother and her children had to wait for the rescue squad to get them out of their car. During that scary hour, the children kept crying and the mother was terrified for them. The mother and children all had severe whiplash injuries. Her parents advised her to call a Car Accident Attorney in Joliet IL.

The attorney understood that she couldn’t get to his law office. Therefore, he went to her home. After reviewing the case, he told her that she was injured by a negligent driver. Therefore, the negligent driver’s insurance company would have to pay damages to pay for everyone’s medical bills. The settlement would also cover her lost income while she recovered. Because she still had anxiety from hearing her children screaming for help, she was also entitled to damages for emotional trauma. She told him she had no money to pay for a Car Accident Attorney in Joliet IL.

He reassured her that lawyers take these kinds of cases on a contingency basis. A car accident case attorney in Joliet, only gets paid a percentage of the settlement that he wins for his client. This allows the poorest person to file a claim with the richest insurance company. The law firm pays all of the costs of preparing the claim and negotiating with the insurance company. If the insurance company refuses to settle out of court, then the law firm pays for the costs preparing for trial.

While the insurance company readily agreed to pay the cost of medical treatment and lost income, it declined the claim for emotional trauma. The car accident lawyer brought in psychologists and child therapists to explain the impact of being trapped in a car for an hour. When faced with the possibility of a jury trial, the insurance company agreed to the compensation for emotional trauma.

Kipnis and Kahn LTDis one of the Joliet law firms that represent injured people. They are always willing to review an injured person’s case.